Monday, April 25, 2011

Cruising Spots In St Louis

my ramblings on April 25, 2011 at 11 weeks pregnancy

this is by far, the worst day of all days since pregnant with Baby 2. sgt2 headaches. back pain. taiping journey from the shah was a long time I think mcm crazy but 3 hours je. What was all the sitting position is not taxable. tido mlm BGN 2-3 times .. skali pegi urine (MMG this happened regularly, 2 hours skali pegi make sure visits to the toilet), skali BGN milk for Imran. imran good wind BGN skali je. the wind is not good, "mama want more milk." adehh.

bloating like a balloon

is no sign things I wrote 24-hour stomach bloated. mkn but non stop. I follow everything written in the internet, eat small portions. avoid oily and spicy food. yes yes i follow. je tp all the same effects. every time I'm burping recent laa mcm mkn durian bijik 4-5.


bitterness toksah citer throat. i have this nauseos feel in my mouth almost 24 / 7 and i cannot help to look at my kitchen, let alone amik stat wok and cook dishes. That's not it i couldnt stand the Smell of food or rice, but i just dont like to cook at all. to say lazy, I'm still goreng2 jugak. can still make Spaghetti (extra Tomatoes, sour but i want to kill liked it). but my cooking job ends there. no more chicken curry. no more dishes that I had tah hapa2 who like to try. i just hate cooking.

sour food is the best!

is another reason also rates Because I've developed a liking particulary Towards super sour food. day2 tomyam also wants to eat. vicchuda tomyam is by far the best and the cheapest and not too much garbage (garlic, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves) in the soup and sour sangat2 \u200b\u200bmost important. yumssssss. incorrigible sense if tomyam throat mcm je zam zam water to drink, all things were feeling chelate. when mkn innards tasted strong, sure stomach bloated. how la?

to cure all the loya2 brackish and throat, I've resorted to eating a green apple every day. yeah the more sour, the better. never mind the size, as long as it has to be sour. MBG had a fruit stall Masalam kat mall Sells the sour green apple-est so i go and buy half a dozen Others time. this is totally different from Imran When first conceived. That time, I was mad to eat a large apple fiji tu crazy. sebijik day. sweet, delicious. Baby with 2 now want green apple pulak. Adoi takpe Apple promises fun laaa want ripped.


acceptance of the Baby family of two - so far so good. some wish congrats, there is silence je. i take it They are positive with that. what about me? I'm not ready to? physically, of course I'm not ready mcm. it was not satisfied lg jump. i think i can label myself as a new "want to feel relaxed ago Imran was the father." imran sbb dah TAMPAN independent and want to start blajar Could i finally breath of relief following an water he is not 100% Depending on me anymore. but well u know the blessings of God I can not push. Ready or not i think 2 years and 9 months Gap Between the two siblings Should be ok. initial target was 3 year gap but what da heck. better than a gap year right.

mood swings like a pendulum

mood swings .. yeah fun MMG want menyinga TAMPAN JE. ofis Mulia case. what's with The new staff yg tu MJ level. MJ is something i Shall not disclose here the meaning ahahaha. day2 I think she want lempang JE. every single thing she does irritates me to the bones. yeah yeah i know people will talk bad benci2 Lower. but if it was not pregnant at the time I fly at him. I think a nice laa ni diam2 dock and release anger in cyberspace. Imran is not taxable even trace my mood swing ya. but the best thing is to be the last thing that got him crying on my lap jugak. adeh liquid directly. I was the child marah2 jugak. Poor apa2 he did not understand. ok2 emo sgt dah ni.


one thing i noticed, i get tired easily nowadays. Usually back ofis i will nap from 9pm to 11pm. Tatau tired want to talk Attached. kat nap at office was still sleepy Gaban jugak. Poor imran I rarely sgt TAMPAN MMG play with him. whole day when she Kat babysitter, she found a new consultant. pastu I pulak blindly. bangun2 he pulak dah I'm sleeping or mintak dodoikan him. pity him. but i know all this is temporary. harap2 2nd trimester will later Improve my well being. I'm already tired of serious mcm ni. tido tido tido cool. Rhino mcm of water even think there jugak.

as of now, i just wish for this headache to go away. gooooooooooooo.


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