warm, moist moss ... This
Thank you for us, in the woods, in the morning on warm, damp moss ... Because after you are lost, we were able to find in August and again to forget, so much time already, almost. Because I could see once again that you really care about us, as we know how to cultivate, surprises, to whisper warm, soothing one another with tender words and touch ...
Thanks to this all wrong, which took place earlier, might have to do a vague and unimportant.
You are not true or if the turns on the "we speak what I want to hear Admin" not saying that just when you hear or say a warm word once in 100 years;)
Reflecting wishing, wise and giving himself, loving - that you are in reality. Recognizes the importance of simple gestures that so much meaning. (Thank you for today, leaving the output of mail)
is that we are different and sometimes because of differences difficult to communicate, does not mean to give up. It's not like that "this can not be changed, because you can look for solutions, try to go out the front, not defending fiercely every time I own, or without losing the essence itself. When the co-existence, we are mixing the JA in a new entity, as the two streams and make up Gettin river. Nobody really did not suffer this combination, while we were able to complete in August. Small concessions in the great cause. On both sides give and take, the essence of love and understanding.
To understand this truth, it need not be exchanged a thousand useless words, napietrzajacych August from moment to moment in an atmosphere of grief, bitterness, and in conditions that are particularly conducive to the birth of the misunderstandings. It can exist from the first moment.
I do not know what "ought to have a girl." I know what I have and you want it. Because I love you.
Now, as we strive to ensure that stay together and if everyone of us is difficult, we have to ourselves to care about most. Without your support gynecological, light a trace. You now need to turn my support, forbearance. Again that's all there best when we bestow one another. This is what we give .. returns to us a hundred times. It's very encouraging correctness, from which we have to use.
Thank you for your openness and honesty yesterday. I am glad that nabralas distance to the case, whose distance away from the long belonged. It was a lot of new things that sometimes hurt, and probably why I could not show to the end, how much I appreciate the fact that I could hear it all. But despite that were not easy, made the other thing ceases to count for me. Becomes vague and unimportant, and emerges you, my, my, how ignorant the way now you go. If not previously
who managed, did not want to talk about it, it occurred to me in the mood of suspicion. Several words, spoken clearly, understandably, to concern for the listener, he can make miracles. And now everything is in place:)
always let's be the guardians of our love, our fire, our house. If a crisis comes rozwiazujmy him inside, along, never outside. This crisis entails, we feel lost, do not know which way to go, slip into error, but never bladzmy into the arms of others.
do not let too never give up someone involuntarily, because "someone wanted, and we did not speak to say a firm NO, I do not fully acted knowingly.
Now the limits of our fortress should already be clearly outlined, and felt for both of us in every situation, also in a situation, if we passed the period of doubt. And anyone who would ever going to exceed them, you should know that it is futile.
(so no one we never stole the basket from the bundle in the middle miauczacym: *)
I am glad that you feel was yesterday again, mom. Announce it to what will happen that soon, a quiet conscience macierzystwa, no impressions of the disease, devouring from the inside. I'm sorry that our conversation does not allow you to celebrate the peace of this state. Sorry for the words that fell from my hand. Forgive all your words, those sore and those uszczypliwe. I no longer cared about you and know you take care of me. Take care of us because we can.
Because it's important. Because it's all for us (and even now it is already not only for us:)
: ***
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