95 percent of parents say they have discovered to their minor children accessing pornographic content over the Internet. The average age at which children begin to search for pornographic material has been established in 11 years.
access to inappropriate content by minors is a major concern for parents. And not without reason. The company BitDefender has conducted a study on access to such content by parents and children. The study conducted a questionnaire to 1,570 parents of five countries: Spain, USA, UK, France and Germany.
95 percent of parents have ever found one of his sons trying to access content classified as pornographic. The study says that 97 percent of respondents use parental controls, but 12 percent of children able to deactivate.
"Even if parents understand the need for parental controls and the need to monitor their children while they are on social networks and the Internet, in general, children always find a way to access adult content, "said Chief Marketing Officer of BitDefender, Jocelyn Otero. For parents, 62 percent have admitted they have sought and agreed to sites with adult content. Of the 1,570 parents surveyed, 87 percent also have confirmed that allow their children access to this type of content if they had 19 years or more. europapress.es

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