Monday, May 9, 2011

Rate List Of Hardware Amc

its tradition of acrobatics

went for checkup last night. Baby 2 doing good so far. he was quite surprised to dock move follows a non-stop the scan tu noon. mcm seriously noon for acrobat, tgn melibas2 feet dock, looks skali mcm institute pat noon, skali mcm saw her mouth agape sort of yawning, ready to shut the institute. bagussss. lg dlm stomach at any manners hehehehe. Imran was, by far, the most excited person in the clinic sbb dpt tgk "dlm peyut sister mama." In fact, the doctor said Baby 2 was powered Responding to Imran's voice and squeal. ye to? to believe? whatever laa doctor. MMG hard but still sgt want amik frame of the 2d scan last night. je cool blur the picture. wahh. this is totally different from Imran. imran first diam2 je dlm dock stomach.

loya2 my Lingering still in my throat. tiap2 today still want to sour things only Because I've Stopped green apple it tasted so yucky. so i stick with Ribena juice. That helps a lot, thank god. I've not eaten even though this time sebijik acid. one, Because i hate sour orange. two, Because its not nutritious (can blah la weh. ko na new walls have been a Sariah ice cream).

Sulawesi just once this pregnancy so far, That I really puked out my Stomach. marathon started right after i arrived home from work, right on until 10pm mcm tu. puking every 5 minutes. not sure what was the Cause but i forced myself not to sleep years following the burning sensation in my throat made me think who want to throw je. tido so ago, i felt better. and the next day the giant cave kat patrol. I've been healthy evidence kehkehkeh.

as of today, the gender of Baby 2 still unknown. Doctor talk around 5 months later the new can be seen. Shall we wait so ye?


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