Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Plasma Clinics In The Oc

21 vs 29

me: ko pegi wedding will want the honeymoon?

him: I feel like langkawi pegi la kak. wait to sgt.

me: haa pegi la. bass pe Langkawi, according to a new org for mating.

him: I want to sgt pegi Tasik Dayang Bunting. Rina bases mcm tu je.

me: ha ah laa jugak base. but tired down the boat laa have to walk up and down the hill to the lake tu new.

him: brother, tu be drinking water to the lake?

I: can, but ko laa boiled first. ko going to do anything to drink?

him: I want to contain kak. I want children cpt2.

me: what the crazy ko nih. mating was not already busy pregnant. first mate ko Pape thought it was a new thing. ni la Mende slaves.

* I think I'm already getting old. NGN boys want to talk I think it was the age of 21 mcm sgt crap. i dont understand THEIR Linggo la *


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