Friday, February 27, 2009

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Today I would like to submit another entry in the publishing, dedicated to the history of the Middle Ages in Poland. But this is not new, since this book was published for the first time in bookstores now in 2005. Nevertheless, it deserves greater attention.
'Piast dynasty in Poland' , authored by Professor Mark Casimir Baranski, a broad and cross-sectional analysis of the processes of formation Member Piast . The author presents the results of the latest research by historians and is trying to respond to a number of hypotheses concerning the beginnings of Polish statehood.
Pictured here is very accurate, process of shaping meaning Piast dynasty, the establishment of a hereditary monarchy, its sovereignty over the Greater Poland and other lands, and the color characteristics of the first court of princes and the environment of that era.

'Piast dynasty in Poland' Kazimierz Marek Baranski, John Wiley & Sons, 2005

Monday, February 23, 2009

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Mappa Mundi

Mappa Mundi - is an extraordinary treasure of British cultural heritage of the Middle Ages, and despite the fact that this topic is not directly related to the history of the era in Poland, it is worth at this point to say something more about this unique object of study of historians and archaeologists.
Map located at the Cathedral of Hereford , built in 1079. And the city itself is situated very close to the border of England and Wales.
European Map of the World - (Latin) Mappa Mundi, dating from the late twelfth century (ok.1290) , and its authorship, not exactly known, is attributed to a certain Richard of Haldigham and Lafford , which is also known under the name of Richard de Bello . It is regarded today as the first existing map of the world, developed in the era of the Middle Ages in Europe.
draft was placed on a single sheet welinowym and covered in black ink with additions of colors: red, gold, blue and green.
If you look at the map carefully we see that the center of the outdoor world in relation to Rome, was located in the center of the circle and it is the Jerusalem , East is at the top of the circle, showing the Garden of Eden the end of the world, ie, while UK and Ireland are located in the north-west (bottom left sketch).
As they say numerous sources, the map was apparently based on the work of a man named Orosius the fifth century AD, who was one of the disciples of St. Augustine. What is extremely interesting, it is based on the traditional system of construction of maps, which was already used in earlier centuries, it is also very similar to another that is Ebstorf Map , Originating in 1234, by a man named Gervasius Tilberiensisa (the original was destroyed during World War II), and to Psalter Map or Sawley Map . However, what is worth emphasizing, does not reflect the full knowledge of the fourteenth century geographers, which would attest to the fact that was a bit earlier (proof may be, for example: location on a map linking the Caspian Sea with the surrounding land, ocean).
map is covered by an unusual color images illustrating the mythological races and ancient beasts fight ... If superimpose on each individual map elements , we can read from her sketch the whole history of mankind, and admire the richness of the natural wonders of the world. Also contained in her descriptions of many imaginary people living in distant lands ... could be interesting is that India are described here, as the richness and variety of over 5000 cities ... And on top of the map there is a statue of Christ in the Day of Judgement, on the right and left sides are shown figures of angels, and at his feet - the figure of the Virgin Mary, listening to those who pray through her intercession.
is also interesting is that for a map of the city was located Hereford. It lies, moreover, in truth, along the River Wye , and its location is determined by the drawing of the Cathedral.
map itself, according to experts, is quite limited value as a tool of geography. For its creators were probably a form of awareness of the illiterate people of the Middle Ages era, the enormous complexity of the contemporary world, and in order to show in a more understandable - Christian religio-cultural sphere.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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Early Medieval Europe

Quite recently appeared on the publishing market work Professor Maria Miskiewicz 'early medieval Europe V-XII century. " is a detailed analysis of selected issues of history and archeology of early medieval Europe , depicted in the wider perspective of the history of spiritual and material culture of the period. By analyzing business processes, changes in the field of social relations and the transformation of the whole structure of the state, the author makes a perfect performance period. Extremely important in this work is the prospect of Antiquities , which becomes the background of the comparison just for the Middle Ages. In a very interesting way, are also discussed such issues as the position of individuals, the role of family, clan and tribe in the emerging system of the medieval state, culture and mentality of the emerging feudal society, as well as a significant influence of the Christian religion to these new structures.

'Early Medieval Europe V-thirteenth century' Maria Miskiewicz,
Publisher Trio, 2008

Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Piast Poland and the Middle

To better look at the period of the Middle Ages in Poland , exit from a deeper analysis of the situation of countries in contemporary Europe. In two previous posts, I tried to quite generally give some background on the era.
Early Medieval Europe is universalistic, teocentryczny, which is influenced by the dynamic development of the institutions of the Church at this time. So all the heathen countries are outside this system, are not politically and ideologically to Europe, despite its geographical location. This is what the Catholic Church upholds the universal order, knowledge, education, and the crusades are a weapon in the spread of the Christian faith among the Gentiles.
Poland Mieszko I a pagan country, whose political 'to be or not to be' just wanted to be baptized as soon as possible and move the prince with all the Slavic people in the one true faith. This was a prerequisite for Poland could be the political arena of contemporary Europe and the blessing of church superiors, to enter the world of a new civilization. In 966, Prince Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty took baptism at the hands of Czech . Poland joined the same among the civilized countries, and became an equal partner to the political powers such as the Roman Empire Niemieckiego.Dzięki this event - Mieszko I established formal diplomatic relations with the papacy.
began the process of Christianization state and the first attempts to unite fragmented state structure . Poland ceased to be an invasion of rulers of neighboring countries, who under the guise of spreading the faith, plundered and looted the country. From this time not without significance is also involved in the development of Polish art and culture of the Middle Ages.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Middle Ages in Europe, Middle

Ages in Europe was a period of rapid change, both on culture and art, philosophy, and throughout the organization structure of the state. On the one hand you can see a strong desire unification, for which the base is the entire Christian culture, on the other hand centrifugal tendencies, how strongly present in the emerging politics of nation states, regions, or shredded districts. Moreover, a crucial element for this time in Europe is a dynamic institution Church, and its subsequent internal dissent, which was an expression of Eastern schism.
This period of change in the development of rural economy and the slow progress of civilization. On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier - Middle Ages is considered by many to be dark and gloomy era, when the number of plagues and epidemics , contributed to the decimation of cities in modern Europe ...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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What really is Ages? The answer to this question is not simple ...
To discover all the richness of this era should be to reach very deep into the very beginnings of modern Europe which, despite centuries of research, still hide a lot of puzzles.
very determination of the time limits of the Middle Ages on the European continent is extremely difficult. Most historians tend to be appreciated year 476 AD . the beginning of this era. By the fall of Western Roman Empire and overthrow the last Emperor Romulus Augustus, the ruler of the Germanic Odoaker, created on the ruins of ancient Italy, a completely new creation state is under the authority of the Byzantine Empire. And years 1453 and collapse of the Byzantine Empire are regarded by convention as the end of the Middle Ages in Europe. However
precise time limits of this period is virtually impossible. It was the centuries-long process involving a series of dynamic changes, both in the field of philosophy, art and culture, as well as the reorganization of state structures in all of its administration. This transformation eventually led to a transition antiquity in a whole new era of the Middle Ages. It is also worth mentioning the differences that occurred during this process, in particular countries of Western Europe. These transformations were not because the nature of the uniform. Factors determining the rate included: geographical location, and level of advancement of economic and cultural development. Hence, this process was long and quite varied in different countries of the old continent.
Latin name media aetas - Middle Ages or medius aevus - middle age, was introduced by the early Christians to describe the times in which they lived. Who considered that the period of the Middle Ages was a kind of a border - the interval between the first and second coming of Christ on earth. Then, the name has been perpetuated by scholars of humanism, but in a slightly different meaning. According to them - the Middle Ages was sometimes dark and full of intellectual ignorance and very different from modern humanism to them, which gave after the beginning of the Renaissance. Hence, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the main purpose of defining the Middle Ages, as so. media tempora (time average) , was an attempt to define the boundary between the great antiquity and Renaissance times of excellence, which was, after all identified with the revival of classical ideals again. In this approach since the Middle Ages much odstawało humanistic ideals of beauty and the whole philosophy and ideology of the new period, you can not hide it, that era was considered worse than the one that was after him.
can be tempted at this point to attempt periodization of this period in Europe . For the initial phase Middle Ages is considered to run from the VX age, while XI-XII centuries his full bloom . And in the twilight era time falls between the age of the fourteenth and fifteenth .