Mappa Mundi - is an extraordinary treasure of British cultural heritage of the Middle Ages, and despite the fact that this topic is not directly related to the history of the era in Poland, it is worth at this point to say something more about this unique object of study of historians and archaeologists.
Map located at the Cathedral of Hereford , built in 1079. And the city itself is situated very close to the border of England and Wales.
European Map of the World - (Latin) Mappa Mundi, dating from the late twelfth century (ok.1290) , and its authorship, not exactly known, is attributed to a certain Richard of Haldigham and Lafford , which is also known under the name of Richard de Bello . It is regarded today as the first existing map of the world, developed in the era of the Middle Ages in Europe.
draft was placed on a single sheet welinowym and covered in black ink with additions of colors: red, gold, blue and green.
If you look at the map carefully we see that the center of the outdoor world in relation to Rome, was located in the center of the circle and it is the Jerusalem , East is at the top of the circle, showing the Garden of Eden the end of the world, ie, while UK and Ireland are located in the north-west (bottom left sketch).
As they say numerous sources, the map was apparently based on the work of a man named Orosius the fifth century AD, who was one of the disciples of St. Augustine. What is extremely interesting, it is based on the traditional system of construction of maps, which was already used in earlier centuries, it is also very similar to another that is Ebstorf Map , Originating in 1234, by a man named Gervasius Tilberiensisa (the original was destroyed during World War II), and to Psalter Map or Sawley Map . However, what is worth emphasizing, does not reflect the full knowledge of the fourteenth century geographers, which would attest to the fact that was a bit earlier (proof may be, for example: location on a map linking the Caspian Sea with the surrounding land, ocean).
map is covered by an unusual color images illustrating the mythological races and ancient beasts fight ... If superimpose on each individual map elements , we can read from her sketch the whole history of mankind, and admire the richness of the natural wonders of the world. Also contained in her descriptions of many imaginary people living in distant lands ... could be interesting is that India are described here, as the richness and variety of over 5000 cities ... And on top of the map there is a statue of Christ in the Day of Judgement, on the right and left sides are shown figures of angels, and at his feet - the figure of the Virgin Mary, listening to those who pray through her intercession.
is also interesting is that for a map of the city was located Hereford. It lies, moreover, in truth, along the River Wye , and its location is determined by the drawing of the Cathedral.
map itself, according to experts, is quite limited value as a tool of geography. For its creators were probably a form of awareness of the illiterate people of the Middle Ages era, the enormous complexity of the contemporary world, and in order to show in a more understandable - Christian religio-cultural sphere.
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