Quite recently appeared on the publishing market work Professor Maria Miskiewicz 'early medieval Europe V-XII century. " is a detailed analysis of selected issues of history and archeology of early medieval Europe , depicted in the wider perspective of the history of spiritual and material culture of the period. By analyzing business processes, changes in the field of social relations and the transformation of the whole structure of the state, the author makes a perfect performance period. Extremely important in this work is the prospect of Antiquities , which becomes the background of the comparison just for the Middle Ages. In a very interesting way, are also discussed such issues as the position of individuals, the role of family, clan and tribe in the emerging system of the medieval state, culture and mentality of the emerging feudal society, as well as a significant influence of the Christian religion to these new structures.
'Early Medieval Europe V-thirteenth century' Maria Miskiewicz,
Publisher Trio, 2008
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