Quite recently appeared in the publishing work Francesc Miralles with beautiful illustrations by Adria Fruitos, Fri: 'Book of the medieval legend'.
It is a remarkable collection of medieval legends and stories, and although this book is intended primarily for children, it may seem as interesting to us adults ...
Even the artwork is worth attention. All images, made with great care and meticulousness, truly reminiscent of paintings from the era of the Middle Ages. They become better prelude to further journey through an enchanted world of legends which are told here again. interesting is the form of their presentation. There is a legend 11, and each story is preceded by a brief introduction and a note on its origin. In this way, we are properly introduced to the fascinating world of ...
tabs books appear in both the real heroes, and those who are the product of the imagination of earlier authors, such as - King Arthur, Lancelot, Roland, Knight of the Lion, or Robin Hood. There are also famous lovers - Tristan and Isolde or Romeo and Juliet.
book thus becomes a magical journey to a world that unfortunately has been long forgotten by us, but through efforts such as this was, was refounded. Particular attention be noted here key values \u200b\u200band practices, such as devotion to God, of chivalry, courage, love to the grave, fidelity, truth and goodness ...
The unusual illustrations Adria Fruitos were shown as beautiful, full of natural charm, presented in the original medieval costumes. In addition, there will here - dragons, princesses, dark castles and witches ...
entire work is a kind of gem in today's publishing market, which is filled today with a very average book values \u200b\u200bof substance and, although designed for children, it might make sense to many adults, and after it reached ...
'Book of the medieval legend' , Francesc Miralles, Family Media Publishing, 2008
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