According to many historical sources, about 960 years some Prince Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty united fragmented and ruled by different rulers - Polish lands. Mieszko I was the son of Prince Polan - Siemomysła. probably before the transition to Christianity, while still a pagan, he had seven wives. But then, the princess married the Czech Dobrawa, and after her death, Princess Oda.

Mieszko I based social organization in the country ie kmieciach (peasants) who they farmed their own land. On their shoulders was required to maintain state, because they were obliged by the ruler to make levies for this purpose. And the state military force Polan team rested on the prince. They were professional soldiers paid pay by the Duke. The rest of the population was required to submit a number of benefits to the prince and his court. During this time, also develop a new profession, created a village specializing in the production of certain goods, ie villages ministering.
pass through the lands Polan numerous trade routes, which encourages the development of the Polish economy. Traded among others amber, cloth, salt, crafts, slaves. At the same time, numerous new towns , which are ruled by local princes.
Mieszko I was well also well aware of the need to develop foreign policy by a state. To better protect the independence of their land, so some had to conclude alliances that would allow him to further develop the kingdom. Given the choice - alliance with the powerful Reich or arrangement with the Czech Boleslav, Mieszko I decided to relationship with the Czech Republic. is born because the opportunity to develop political cooperation partner for more conditions than the Germans. Hence occurred in 965 to conclude the Mieszko I and Bolesław Czech , pursuant to which had come to the wedding of Prince Polan Dobrawą the Bohemian princess. Marriage is supposed to be the guarantor of earth connection of the two countries, in addition, Mieszko I and his people decided to adopt Christianity at the hands of the Czech Republic. What is extremely important, the Czech Republic undertook to aid in the Christianization of the new lands, by sending missionaries to the territory of the Union Wielicki, and Prussia. Also signed an additional document on cooperation in trade between the two countries.
One of the important reasons for the conclusion of the Polish-Czech were undoubtedly the Czech army raids in the pagan lands of the State Polan. At that time, Europe was already held at that time a Christian, hence the decision to move to a new faith, was irrevocable. This system has therefore been an important guarantor of peace and security Mieszko And baptism in 966 Polish became a political event , gave the Piast state, international significance, and also contributed to the development Christian art and culture . Religion slowly began to unite the country, and the institution church began to be extremely important for the new dynasty on the Polish throne.
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