On the other hand segment of the received audio books is still quite foggy and even mistaken in many respects. This is a typical symptom characteristic of each of the young and growing market. So it's time to face the common false beliefs regarding audio books and dispel a few stereotypes, mostly represented by people who had never come into contact with these formats.
8 myths, with which we deal mostly:
first Audiobooks are inconvenient because they require special hardware or software
already gone Today oz DRM, which restricted the freedom to playback. audiobook are written mostly in an extremely popular and widely available MP3 format that can store and play CDs, DVDs, memory cards, mobile phone, portable CD players, iPod, computer, or even a GPS in the car venoms. So we have to choose all comfortable range of media that can adapt to things we do listen to audio books and match them depending on whether we go for a walk, grow sport, cook, or go by car. Audiobookswe can conveniently store carrying with him a whole library of audio books loaded with the phone's memory card or collected on CD, which we carry in the car.
second Books to listen to are not readily available
Supporters audio books are increasingly turning to audio books in MP3 version to download directly to your computer or mobile device (ie version download ). This creates a convenience later playback in a medium that we have at hand. Therefore, people who do not yet have contact with audio books, mostly do not reach for the first time via the Internet. Study Audible.com, the world's largest catalog of downloadable audio books, showed that up to 50% of customers shop, who first bought the audio book, I have never listened to an audiobook. This shows how a large role in popularizing the format of play shops Internet, such as Polish http://ebooki24.pl, which already offers over 4,000 titles of audio for direct injury to your computer. To buy the audiobook, just a few clicks of the mouse.
third Audio books are expensive
This myth falls, especially when we talk about versions of MP3 downloads from the Internet. This audio book need not be physically stored, packaged and shipped. No costs will also print and embossing plates. Therefore, e-shops offer audio books as much as 30% cheaper than their printed counterparts or even those offered in bookstores on CD. Internet distributors for a long time also offer subscription packages that allow fans of the books to listen to even greater savings. Polish example is even a club Nexpresso Premium .
4th Books to listen to fragile quality
It's not the years of the 80th when he listened to the comedy shows, stories and dramas on audio tape on which recording quality left much to be desired. Apart from not the best sound quality, audience recordings from those years are often listened to random grunts and coughs, which were by no means serve the oral interpretation of written words. Currently sound engineering, production and quality offer the highest quality recordings. Also, teachers are increasingly the choice is impressive. Among the Polish readers audiobooks we can identify such celebrities as: Jerzy Stuhr, Jan Englert, Marek Kondrat, Jerzy Trela, Piotr Fronczewski, Zbigniew Zapasiewicz and Christine Czubówna. Some recordings are also enriched with great results which further stimulates the imagination of the listener and ensures the best quality listen.
more demanding students can read with the best audio productions on the website of Polish competition "Audio Book of the Year", which are available to fragments of nominees and award-winning production.
5 Selection of audio books is very small
number of Polish audio production dates back almost a thousand titles in several thematic categories, so it is already to choose from. In addition to standard audio publishing market poslim are also available a vast amount of recordings of Polish Radio and Polish Association of the Blind. Polish offer audio books is growing very rapidly - has increased three times during 2008 The number of English-language titles already exceeds 50,000 titles.
6th Audiobooks are to replace the printed versions
As margarine is not butter ousted, so audio books traditional books will leave the place. These are just two different formats that correspond to a different lifestyle and reap the knowledge, entertainment, experiencing literature.
7th Audio books are for lazy
Not only that. Today, after the book audio back to a large extent, dynamic person. It's a great format for busy people who do not have the opportunity to stay longer and bend over the traditional book. Such people can learn your favorite literature while jogging, commuting to work or domestic orders. Audiobooks are also a great format for kids, acting on their imagination and often offering the reader an interesting interpretation. You should also remember that the audio book (especially in the download versions ) are organic - not consume ink and paper, which corresponds to the needs of people with regard to the natural environment.
8th Audio book is difficult to navigate
traditional book can freely browse and read to mean a lot. Today, it is similar to an audio book. Virtually all audiobooks are divided into small sections as separate audio files lasting from a few to several minutes. This allows for easy return to selected parts. It turns out that the audio book has many interesting attributes that will interest everyone. This format is characterized on the one hand remarkable simplicity, while offering many value-added of hearing. So let's see for yourself and dispel myths about their own audio books. They Ucichną within the first minute of listening.
Select your title and begin to listen to the audio now:
- Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
- cactus in the heart of - Barbara Jasnyk
- War Polish-Ruthenian the flag red and white - Dorothy Masłowska
- English at work and business - D. Guzik
- Who took My cheese - Spencer Johnson
- Success in any negotiations - Bolko Fuchs
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