Since ancient times man has attached great importance to what is eaten. One of the basic daily living tasks was, after acquiring the food, and with the development of the national community, has increased the importance of life and various kinds of festive feasts and holidays. Although
there are not many accurate historical messages about what ate in Medieval Poland, t here primarily based on comparative analysis with other countries in the region, can fairly well reconstruct the first culinary traditions in our country.
Based on the numerous transfers of foreign travelers, who often raided the Slavic lands at that time, we learn that traditional Polish cuisine based on primarily on grain foods, such as - oats, millet and wheat . There were also meat dishes game and livestock, seasoned variety of herbs, Vegetable or owocami.Elementem characteristic here was the use of large quantities of mainly salt and pepper and a constant presence of kasha. All were high-calorie food, which was associated primarily with the active lifestyle of the population at that time. addition of wine, one of the most popular drinks in our land, was primarily a beer.
In one diary chronicles the Galla Anonima, we find the following fragment: ' Although this wooded country, but not enough yet rich in [...] bread and meat and fish and honey (...) .[...] healthy air, the role of fertile mellifluous forest, water, fish, [...] willing to plow oxen, dairy cows, sheep, woolly. "
From this description it is so colorful that Poland Middle Ages, belonged to a country so rich in natural good, and the residents were able to fully exploit. Soil
supplied so basic foods, such as - A variety of cereals (millet, rye, wheat), lentils, beans, peas. There was no shortage or vegetables - cabbage, carrots, onions, and cucumbers. In orchards and dominated by apples, pears, plums, cherries and sometimes peaches.
Besides farming in the early Middle Ages, was also extremely important fishing, hunting, collecting forest produce and farm animals, among whom, according to historical transfers, been the most common - the pigs and sheep. Then he dealt with the grazing of goats and fowl breeding.
is also worth mentioning that at this time fishing - pike, crucian carp, eel, pike, whitefish, salmon, sturgeon or herring, was also very abundant. Fish perfectly substituted for meat, especially in periods of different posts.
Nor can we forget about the constant presence of milk products and dishes on the menu for medieval. The table kmiecim appeared very often, both sour and sweet milk and various cheeses. A popitkę next wine and beer, usually given honey from a nearby Barcia.
For a period of severe winters - the meat was most commonly smoked, baked or boiled. And grain stored in granaries. Fruit was processed for jam, and sauces prepared with vegetables or thick soup. At that time
true bread was consumed only in more affluent households. However, in most homes in special furnaces fine grain baked cakes. Nonetheless, in the Middle Ages were known delights such as - cakes, donuts, bagels, rolls, wholemeal bread and white, or sweet cakes Barley.
also worth mentioning the many spices that are used by our ancestors. first Slavs were known, such as herbs-garlic, dill, mustard, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, pepper, onion, parsley, mint and cumin.
Many could write about the drinks that appeared on the tables of medieval Polish. Pito especially clean water, or decoctions of herbs, milk and various milk. Similarly - wine, beer and sweet honey were very popular.
Writing about the culinary traditions of that period can not ignore the significant impact of religion on daily life of the Christian population. important part of the liturgical year, just like today, were the posts. Hence especially during Advent, the Great Post and in a variety of Christmas eve, stay away from the food intake of meat, dairy products or drinking wine. An interesting fact may be here that by mid-thirteenth century, Lent lasted 90 days.
since the early centuries also recorded the common custom of feasting mainly on holidays, arrival of guests, or important family events. crucial was primarily a political banquet held at railway stations and several princes of the king. According quite poor communications history, it is known that usually courts of two main meals eaten. Contemporary breakfast was still unknown in the era of the Middle Ages. First ate early dinner, called - prandium (consumed in the morning) and then in the late afternoon (ok.17) second lunch, dinner being kind, called - Coen. As you can read the messages of Jan Dlugosz, the feasts organized by Wladyslaw Jagiello, the number of dishes at one such feast, reached up to 100
courtly Label ordered to sit at the table set by the host site, wash your hands properly before the feast, keep moderation in eating and drinking, do not reach for the best pieces were not allowed to also speak with your mouth full ...
As you can see the former medieval principles differ little from the modern savoir-vivre.
Post was based on information published in 'Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia'.
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