College Europaeum Gnesnense
Institute of History and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan invite to: Colloquia mediaevalia Gnesnensia I: St. Bruno of Querfurt and his era.
Gniezno, 6-8 May 2009
Conference program:
Day one: 06th 05. 2009
for hours. 12:00 Arrival to Poznan
12:30 Departure to Gniezno
15:00 Opening of the conference
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 -17:00 Prof. Henry Samsonowicz (New York), Europe at the turn of the millennium I and II
17:00-18:00 Prof. Roman Michalowski (Warsaw), spirituality around the year 1000
18:00 - 19:00 Prof. Jozef Dobos (Poznan), during the Piast monarchy Boleslaw
19:15 Dinner
Second day: 07 05. 2009
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Professor. Christian Lübke (Leipzig), Brun und das von Querfurt Östliche Europa - eine früh "Osterweiterung" um das Jahr 1000
10:00-11:00 Prof. Glauco Maria Cantarella (Bologna), Otto III et la Renovatio Imperia
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Skwierczyński 11:30-12:30 Dr. Krzysztof (Warsaw), Environment monastic Italy around the year 1000
12:30-13:30 Prof. Marie Blahová (Prague), hagiography in the tenth and eleventh centuries
13:45 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Dr. Edward Skibinski (Poznan), Bruno z Kwerfurtu jako litteratus
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dr Matthias Hardt (Lipsk), Brun of Querfurt traveling - Querfurt - Rome / Monte Cassino - Kiev - Lithuania
5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. przerwa na kawe
Dr László Veszprémy 17:30 to 18:30 (Budapeszt), Hungary about 1000
Dr Vincent Múcska 18:30 to 19:30 (Lipsk-Bratysława), Brun and Hungary
19:45 Kolacja
III Dzień: 08. 05. 2009
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Professor. Jerzy Strzelczyk (Poznan), character Bruno of Querfurt
10:00-11:00 Dr. Leszek Wetesko (Gniezno), Boleslaw the Brave as the guardian of the missionaries and the pious founder
11:00-11:30 Break Coffee
11:30-12:30 Dr. Stanislaw Rosik (New York), the Church in Poland in the context of the first Piast written sources
12:30-13:30 Prof. Hanna Kock-Krenz (New York), The earliest history of the Polish Church in the light of archaeological sources
13:30-14:30 Concluding remarks
14:45 Lunch
16:00 Departure from Gniezno
Organizing Committee:
Prof. UAM dr hab. Joseph Dobos
Dr. Leszek Wetesko
Dr Marzena Matla-Kozlowska
Mgr James Kujawiński
College Europaeum Gniezno
Street. Kostrzewski 5-7
Laboratory Bohemistyczna
Institute for the History of AMU
Street. St. Marcin 78
61-809 Poznan
+48 61 8294739
e-mail: jozefdobosz@hotmail.com
j.dobosz @ poczta.onet.pl
for hours. 12:00 Arrival to Poznan
12:30 Departure to Gniezno
15:00 Opening of the conference
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 -17:00 Prof. Henry Samsonowicz (New York), Europe at the turn of the millennium I and II
17:00-18:00 Prof. Roman Michalowski (Warsaw), spirituality around the year 1000
18:00 - 19:00 Prof. Jozef Dobos (Poznan), during the Piast monarchy Boleslaw
19:15 Dinner
Second day: 07 05. 2009
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Professor. Christian Lübke (Leipzig), Brun und das von Querfurt Östliche Europa - eine früh "Osterweiterung" um das Jahr 1000
10:00-11:00 Prof. Glauco Maria Cantarella (Bologna), Otto III et la Renovatio Imperia
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Skwierczyński 11:30-12:30 Dr. Krzysztof (Warsaw), Environment monastic Italy around the year 1000
12:30-13:30 Prof. Marie Blahová (Prague), hagiography in the tenth and eleventh centuries
13:45 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Dr. Edward Skibinski (Poznan), Bruno z Kwerfurtu jako litteratus
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dr Matthias Hardt (Lipsk), Brun of Querfurt traveling - Querfurt - Rome / Monte Cassino - Kiev - Lithuania
5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. przerwa na kawe
Dr László Veszprémy 17:30 to 18:30 (Budapeszt), Hungary about 1000
Dr Vincent Múcska 18:30 to 19:30 (Lipsk-Bratysława), Brun and Hungary
19:45 Kolacja
III Dzień: 08. 05. 2009
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Professor. Jerzy Strzelczyk (Poznan), character Bruno of Querfurt
10:00-11:00 Dr. Leszek Wetesko (Gniezno), Boleslaw the Brave as the guardian of the missionaries and the pious founder
11:00-11:30 Break Coffee
11:30-12:30 Dr. Stanislaw Rosik (New York), the Church in Poland in the context of the first Piast written sources
12:30-13:30 Prof. Hanna Kock-Krenz (New York), The earliest history of the Polish Church in the light of archaeological sources
13:30-14:30 Concluding remarks
14:45 Lunch
16:00 Departure from Gniezno
Organizing Committee:
Prof. UAM dr hab. Joseph Dobos
Dr. Leszek Wetesko
Dr Marzena Matla-Kozlowska
Mgr James Kujawiński
College Europaeum Gniezno
Street. Kostrzewski 5-7
Laboratory Bohemistyczna
Institute for the History of AMU
Street. St. Marcin 78
61-809 Poznan
+48 61 8294739
e-mail: jozefdobosz@hotmail.com
j.dobosz @ poczta.onet.pl
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